A Full Service Cannabis Lab & Nursery 


Clean Clones, Tested

Every batch of clones that goes out our door is tested for circulating pathogens in-house.


More Efficient Mothers

Our mother plants are replaced on a tight schedule with fresh plantlets straight from our tissue culture lab. These moms are brimming with phytohormones and youthful vigor.


Clean Clones, Tested

We tailor your clones to your needs. Rooting plugs and all, we want to be your partner in propagation.

Expert diagnoses & solutions

We’re a little nerdy when it comes to this stuff. In our eyes, you can’t do something like this right without totally geeking out about it. Everything we do, testing & beyond, is grounded in scientific research & hands-on experience.

Shop Testing


Unsure where to start? Don’t sweat it. We’re here to help you figure out your next move.